Foolywang Material: Pregnancy+Cover-Ups

So Bobby has knocked up Supahead? Boo. According to media sources, Supahead is now pregnant with Bobby Brown's baby. The sad thing is, this sounds so ridiculous that I actually think there's some truth to it. Apparently when they moved in together several months ago, a lil more was going down than just a friend consoling a friend like Supahead claimed. Lyin' ass....

Rumor had it that Supahead was back with her ex Bill Maher as of recent. And she's been rockin' an engagement ring lately. So let's hope that this chick didn't go and fully lose her damn mind by getting engaged to Bobby. But I also hear the two are in talks of filming their own reality show together.

Look who kissed and made up:

Some chicks will do ANYTHING to add 30 seconds to their 15 minutes. Sources are saying they may be shooting more risque pics together in the future. Note to New York and Pumpkin: Both of y'all STILL are whack. Moving on....

Amidst all the rumors of Tyra and Chingy dating, she taped a show where she went undercover as one of Chingy's crew. She dressed as a man and even experienced a groupie chick coming on to her to get close to Chingy. Damn Tyra, you make an ugly dude:

But the real question here is who is this chick that was actually willing to get down with Man-Tyra to get close to some damn Chingy? Boo. The show airs November 13th.

The Randomness:

  1. Wayne and Baby went on Angie's show on Hot 97 a few days ago. Get the interview here. Of course they talked about the "kiss" pic, but more importantly, for all y'all who doubted my info, Weezy let folks know him and Trina are definitely over. He said he never had a tattoo of Trina's name, but Trina has one of his name. And of course he did that "Hollywood denial" of a relationship with him and Solange, but Wayne aint fooling nobody. We can all read between the lines with those little shoutouts. And make sure you peep Baby's random shout outs to Kimora. Clearly those two just want to be out with it these days...


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