Check Out Ya Girl...

Remember when I told y'all a while back Essence will be doing a featurette on me and a couple other black bloggers in the November issue? Well it's here. The issue won't hit stands for about another week, but those with subscriptions have already hit me up about seeing it in there. Thanks to YBF reader Rashonda, here's a scan:

I'm TOO excited about this. I swear I thought this was all just a very dirty joke being played on me by someone who knows how crazy I would go about being mentioned in Essence. But after all the e-mails and now the scan, I'm ecstastic.

Not having ANY hired help on this blog definitely makes things a little more difficult to manage, but I'm a control freak. What can I say. All that matters is that my fabulous readers love the site and have somewhere "colorful" to go to indulge in their pop-culture addictions. Stay fabulous peoples!


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