UPDATE: T.O.+The Simmons Family

Clearly today wasn't a good day for credible media. First up: T.O. He gave a press conference tonight (which aired on ESPN and the DC local news) about his supposed suicide attempt. He said that he DID NOT attempt suicide and he is definitely not depressed. The credible news agencies who reported that he did attempt suicide, like CNN, ESPN, Yahooo, etc., are not 100% at fault though. They were told that Terrell said "Yes" when the Fire and Rescue team asked if he had purposely ried to hurt himself. However, T.O. was in no state to answer logical questions--according to him--because the prescription drugs he had taken that night had affected his body in a negative way. He couldn't think straight and his body was ill.

The media sources who we actually look to in order to receive credible info should have held off on their story until they had heard from T.O. They did hear from his publicist Kim, but according to her (she was also at the press conference tonight), she never said he was depressed or attempted suicide.

So either there was some serious misunderstandings, the media has it out for T.O., or he creates this mess for attention. Regardless, he's now A-OK and still speaking with that sense of arrogance that he usually does.

Next: The Simmons Family. More info has come out today, but I'm still not persuaded that the TMZ story is 100% truthful. This afternoon,
TMZ posted that Rev. Run released a statement to the associated press stating:

"On Sept. 26, 2006, Victoria Anne Simmons for some unknown reason chose to come early and unfortunately did not survive," his statement said. "We must accept whatever is there and once you accept unconditionally, then everything is beautiful. Every pain has a purifying effect. So whatever comes your way, just be thankful. We see life in death and believe in the celebration of life in death."

The story has been printed by Fox News ,Canada.com, and others--all AP sources. But the stories contradict themselves datewise. Run's "staement" says the baby was delivered and died Wednesday, while the reports are saying last week. Also, TMZ's first story said the baby delivery happened on Thursday, not Tuesday like this "press statement" says. But my sources are telling me that the story is in fact true, but certain media folks got the dates incorrect because they wanted to hurry and get the story out. And lastly, YBF reader Brianna sent in a statement from Vanessa Simmons' myspace page that supposedly is official and definitely hers. Vanessa--well, supposedly Vanessa--posted 2 messages (one last night and one this morning):


Some of you seem to already know my mom did lose the baby after delivery this is a hard time for me and my family but we are coping with it throuh prayer and I just want to say thank you to my myspace family because thats what some of you have become to me. From thoes that i havemet from here or had a phone convesation with yes i will go out on thelim and say i have met a few people. I really want to thank you on behalf of my family & myself.I had to address this to clarify for myfamily. We are all doing ok at this point we are to look
forward andstay possitive. You know sometimes in life you never know how thingsmight end up I heard about the story about Anna Nichole Smith she gave birth to her daughter and lost her son a few days later. My point is you never know what situation life may place you in put god first he is thekey to the lock we call everyday life and know that everything happensfor a reason...
Thank you once again you are all appreciated have faithgod bless...Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find it, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he whoseeks finds, and to him who knocks the door will be opened.- Matthew 7:7-8

(2nd bulletin)

Ok just to clear this up a little. The baby was girl (my
sister) she was born with her inner organs on the outside she was properly birthed andpassed away minutes later. People before had been asking me questionsabout the baby's sex i could not really say because that was suspose to be for the premiere of runs season house 3 is was suspose to pick upwhere it left off which is why the show went off without anybody beingtold what the gender was. The show was scheduled to premiere this laterin the fall i'm not
sure if it is or not thats the furthest thing frommy dads mind right now i'm sure

Take it how you wanna. I'm just here to deliver the goods....

In non-YBF news--Screech has a sex tape?? Yes, Saved By The Bell Screech. Get the f**k outta here! TMZ has the tape.


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