Kobe Does New Orleans+My ANTM Picks+Other Fabness

The Best Damn Sports Show Period hosted The Best Damn Sports Clinic in New Orleans this week. Kobe was there in full effect playing with the kiddies:

Kobe in Mayor Ray Nagin were in deep convo.

Too cute.

Will Smith was spotted on the NY set of his new movie I Am Legend. It's a sci-fi thriller.

Well this looks interesting.

YBF reader La Tonya spotted Eva P. modeling some clothes for Metrostyle online catalog:

I wasn't going to post any Beyonce pics today, but this outfit is too fly not to post:

Loves it! She was spotted leaving London's Zuma restaurant yesterday in London. So apparently She and Jay never really left London on that jet the other day. He gave another concert last night in the city:

Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband Chris Martin from Coldplay attended the concert and afterparty to support the Jiggaman. Nas, Chris, Gwyneth, and B all accompanied Jay on stage to do some songs. Nice. And I must say, Bigga was looking extremely cute and happy at the afterparty at Movida:

Such a fab couple.

But oh my damn:

I knew there had to be a reason she seemed so giddy in these pics. Learn how to hold ya liquor boo. But I can't even lie: Torn panty hose+being knocked out a second after you leave the club and get in the car=FUN TIMES!

ANTM is off to an interesting start this season:

That damn Monique. She was my early fave until last night. That chick has some major issues she may wanna get worked out. Once again, I would have went upside a chick's head if she ever would have touched me with some body fluid like she did to Melrose. It would have been trou-ble trou-ble. Last night their challenge was to rock a pic wearing movable, statue hair that "weaveologists" do in hair shows. Yes, the hair stylists were really called weaveologists.

So, my early faves are:

Anchal let her "colored girl" come out last night. She stepped to Monique like she had some secret security and wasn't worried bout a damn thing. A naturally pretty girl too. Since we're all aware (well you should be) that those ANTM folks ARE NOT about to pick another black chick to win (they only picked 4 to even go to the finals and 1 got voted off day 1), they may just pick an Indian chick.

I was definitely a Christian fan--but she got axed day 1.

The reason I like Ms. Eugena is because she reminds me of "Toni Childs" to a damn tee. Attitude, facial features, everything. I have a feeling she's gonna piss me off later with her two-facedness though.

And I just don't understand the hoopla about those twins. I guess when you look like dead skin and bones we're supposed to worship that mess. I'm just sayin'.... If you missed the first episode,
Four Four has the hilarious recap. You can get all the models' portfolio pics here.

Stay fab!


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