LaLa Gets Preggers+Marques Gets Nekkid

Well hot damn. These two for damn sure aren't quick to get married but they are quick to get preggers. Lala and Carmelo Anthony, who have been engaged for 2 years, have officially announced
they are pregnant. I guess LaLa said she's about to secure her position in her man's life one way or another. They said they are getting married after the baby is born--so I wonder if LaLa is about to start rocking her engagement ring again that hasn't been seen on her finger in months. Congrats to the couple.

Click pic for full possible NSFW pic

Is Marques Houston serious? This pic seems very Ne-Yoish. I feel like I've seen it before except with some oral activity involved. Stop the "my sidekick got jacked" story peoples. If you didn't notice it didn't help Ne-Yo sell anymore records. Tisk tisk.


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