Well well well. Looks like MJB's hubby Kendu had to get something off his chest. Supposedly, according to the board's owner, he writes on the Maryluvs.com messageboard often to keep her fans abreast of MJB's goings-ons (he is still her manager). And today was no different. Here's the message that he posted (according to the site's manager)to the board:
Wifey & I are on vaction chilling after a long hectic 4 month work
schedule, & the first U.S phone call we get is this garbage??????
Wow to think that you guys follow MJB day in & day out, & you not
know if something so stupid is true or false...Trust me, MJB is not the
hollywood type, she would blow up on site if any of this was true, can't see her waiting to end a tour, or go on vaction then make some stupid announcement like this is a soap opera. Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for my babies, Their ages are 20, 8, & 7...Do the math!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny stuff indeed.
Sooooo Mr. Bentley has a girlfriend??
Supposedly this is his main chick Fuane Chambers. They've been seen everywhere together and have been a couple for a while.
Speaking of couples, Condi Rice is rumored to have a new man:
He's Peter Mackay, the foreign minister of Canada. Clearly Condi has hopped on the "I'm gettin' me a white boy" trend fast as all hell. But anyways, I'm all for Condi getting a man. However, these comments by Mr. MacKay at a meeting with the press Tuesday morning made me feel like I should have been sent to my room before the words were spoken:
“Something else I’ve learned about Secretary Rice is she loves the cool
Atlantic breezes here in Nova Scotia, and she left the window open last night.”
The audience tittered.
At the end of his speech, he took off his glasses, turned to Ms. Rice and said, “Please come back again.”
Dammit get a room.
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