Janet Gets "So Excited"+MJB Breaking Out Divorce Papers?

Janet's new video for "So Excited" premiered yesterday. And damn if she don't have that JD in her videos every damn time and has moved her chi-chi holding EVERY TIME she's on a magazine to this video. But I do love the fact it reminds me of her Rhythm Nation days.

Aiight. I'm not in the business of making up rumors...but apparently some folks are up in arms about this MJB/Kendu breakup rumor. Supposedly MJB is divorcing her hubby Kendu Isaacs because he's been cheating on her for a long while. No credible sources are reporting this and none of my sources in the biz have put out the word. Therefore I don't believe the hype just yet.

I do know it wouldn't surprise me that Mr. Kendu has been cheating since I have heard from several sources this was the case at the beginning of their relationship. And also that Kendu didn't just date women before Mary. Yeah......


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