Ray-J Shows Off His Package+Nia's Street Fight+Other Fabness

So Ray-J is in the midst of shooting a new video. For what song--who knows (or cares). The real issue here is, should I seek therapy due to the fact that I have all types of unholy thoughts runnin through my mind right now about his....fineness? I mean...it is Ray J we're talkin about here:

Yes, I ignored the white mandals (man sandals).

Do we owe Supahead an apology for clownin her ass about her incredible sexual experience with Ray-J?

NAAAAAAAH. I'm trippin. Whew--that was close. And the chick is Kim Kardashian who is supposedly his ex/current girlfriend. Moving on...

Nia and her ex Massai from years back

Nia Long re-lived her Boys in the Hood days recently. Apparently her ex fiance/ baby daddy--yeah I said baby daddy--to her 5 year old son Massai Zhivago Dorsey II got into a smackdown with her current boyfriend Friday in L.A. And in the middle of a parking lot too. Supposedly Massai got his ass laid out. Damn shame.
TMZ has the story.

Raven has a new movie on her belt coming up:

She'll be doing the remake of Adventures in Babysitting. Get the story
here. {Thanks Jai}

TRL was crazy yesterday with all the celebs:

The Wayans stopped by to promote this ridiculous movie Little Man.

And to scare some little kids.

Of course B stopped by looking hella fab:

Except for that Jessica Simpson-ish pose right there. And the glove is suspect. She was there promoting her new video that could give you a damn seizure. And I will not be watching BET tomorrow...which won't be any different than the usual...since they're running this damn video every hour starting at 2EST. Truly unnecessary.

Janet Jackson may just win publicity slut of the month. It'll be a toss-up b/w her and B.

Janet and JD did a cute interview on Power 106 last night. She looked cute there too.

And YBF reader Jason sent over some new promo pics of hers:

Simply fabulous.

Fox Boogie was at the Hip Hop Summit National Town Hall Meeting yesterday in Philadelphia:

She looked real cute at first glance, and then I did a closer study. No this chick didn't wear a regular BLACK bra with this green halter dress. No ma'am. Unacceptable.

Cute shoes. And did she have a "Vivica" done in the chi-chi area?

Just when we put away our letters to Foxy's stylist and Wet and Wild:

It's time to bring them mugs BACK OUT. True foolywang material.

The Randomness:
  1. Oh yes. There is still hope for all you single ladies. Essence has the lowdown on the hottest 100 single black males (celebs included). And a quote from them on what they love about black women. Nice. {Thanks Simone}
  2. YBF reader Michelle sent over a press release that Big Tigga is leaving BET and will be doing full time radio work and voiceovers. Good luck to him.

Stay fab!


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