YBF Exclusive: Interviews With Buckey and Diddy+ FOL Chicks Do KING

Last week I had the fabulous opportunity to do an in-person interview of the original "Sexy Back" that is Diddy. After waiting at the Four Seasons hotel here in DC for this man who decided to show up 4 hours late--and rescheduling my flight I was taking that day--y'all know I was highly heated. But he surprisingly made the situation better for everbody by being a genuinely nice person when he finally showed up. His "people" let us know he was running "a little late" due to all the press runs he did on the morning radio shows and at a local high school.

But anyways--his publicist decided to come up in that piece on regulator mode so my juicy info I planned to get got shut down real quick. Diddy did say he's not worried about any of the other artists releasing around the same time as him (Press Play-October 17th) because he wants everybody to get shine and focus. He says he loves music, which is why he worked for a year on this album, so he hopes people will listen to him AND everybody else. Whatever Diddy. You know you worried about Hov coming in this piece shuttin' the game down in November while you're hoping to still get shine singing with an Asscat Doll. I'm just saying....

As for not doing a track with Danity Kane on his album--he says he just wanted to spread out to other things to offer a different sound of music. SO he recorded with folks like Nicole of the Pussycat Dolls and Christina Aguilerra. You can check out his song with Christina here.

While his publicist tried to yank him out the room all fast because he was "so late" to his next stop...he stopped her and said anybody who wants a pic can get one. And he continued talking and snapping pics with us despite being late. Nice dude. He was definitely much more laid back--and smaller--than I expected. I'll post up some pics soon. But for now you can check out these pics from his ATL listening party this weekend:

I see Dwyane Wade was in that piece.

This weekend I interviewed Ms. Buckey from Flavor of Love 2. She says she only got kicked off last week because the producers stepped in due to her physically assaulting Krazy. And since all the chicks are strictly prohibited from touching anybody else, she got the ax.

I heard some insider info about the winner of FOL2, and when I asked Shay "Buckey" Jones about it, she made me re-think who the actual winner is. Of course she can't reveal who it is, but she did say she's "happy about who he's with now." She told me she absolutely hates New York (who doesn't) and Krazy...so after last night's episode--that leaves only 1 winner in my mind. But I guess we'll just have to see about that.

When I asked her how in the hot hell did she kiss that crispiness that is Flavor Flav, she said she was very attracted to his personality. He treats women extremely well and like queens. Yeah, she said it. But did she think he was appealing to the eye? She said "My attraction to him came after I got to know him." I take that as a no.

Buckey has a ridiculous amount of projects in the works--movie scripts being sent to her, another possible VH-1 relaity show, magazine covers, etc. She said she didn't come on the show striclty to launch a career--but she would be lying if that wasn't even a little bit of her plan. But she said Krazy's only on the show to launch her music career, and her "manager" who accompanied her to the reunion show is also her boyfriend. And yes, she was with that man the whole time she was taping FOL. Damn shame. I will say Buckey seems like a real cool chick. And she also believes Flav will be calling her if his current relationship doesn't work out. They have a "connection". Eww.

You can check out the FOL 2 chicks in the new October issue of KING magazine:

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KING mag: Please fire your photoshop editor. ASAP.


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