The Scoop

Rih Rih is the latest victim of being caught without her face on:

She hit up a radio station recently to do an interview and was bold enough to do it makeup less. Possibly not the best move....
Edit: Calm down peoples. When I said "Possibly not the best move" I was speaking on how she looks her age and a lot less glammed up than people seem to carry on about at all times. She looks like the avg. chick (yeah I said it...and what?) without the makeup and now people can see the real deal. This is nothing different than I have said before about this girl. Moving on....

Aaron Mcgruder may be taking a page out of Dave Chappelle's book. He's ending the Boondocks series--both the comic strip and tv show on Cartoon network in November. Damn that sucks.

Check out the winners of the Design Me contest for Janet's new album:

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Nice work.

Condi Rice hit up MTV yesterday for an interview they aired last night:

Christina Norman and Condeleeza Rice

Y'all say what y'all want. Ms. Rice is a fab chick. Plus she's hella smiley these days--I guess that man of hers is doin' some thangs....

Samuel L. Jackson was spotted filming a new movie in Toronto yesterday:

It's called Jumper and it's a Sci-Fi movie.

Luda's album release party popped off last night:

He kicked it with the 106 and Park kids.

Fabolous was there.

So now Laurie Ann thinks she's a celeb and can make the party rounds? Think again boo. Boom Boom Kat!

Iman's fabulous self was spotted at the Madama Butterfly opening night at the Lincoln Center last week with her hubby David Bowie:

She makes mini-plaid look uberly fab.

I guess a pic of Scary Spice and Eddie is in order:


Brian McKnight is trying to get back on the scene. He's on the cover of the upcoming issue of Dubs magazine:

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That sex appeal has faded.

The 10th Anniversary of the Black Sports Agents Association party went down this past weekend:

Is Lisa Raye serious? WTF?? Just when I was hoping this was a costume party, folks showed up in ish like this:

Oh Karrine. Must you look ho-ish in everything you wear...and do?

Rochelle Aytes was there looking fab.

I'm gonna need for Lisa not to pose with Regina Hall and Sanaa. They're making her look even worse.

My confusion continues...

But Damon is rockin' this suit.

Tamala Jones looks--not so hot.

Nick and his rose need to go sit down.

The Randomness:

  1. Jay-Z=666? Story
  2. Jam Master Jay's mom has beef with DMC. Story
  3. BV has Natalie Cole's and Luda's full cd for you to hear.
  4. Bobby B. asks TV One for a car in exchange for doing a tv show. Story
  5. Attention all my fellow Gimore Girls fans! The premiere is tonight at 8/7c on th CW network and I can't freakin wait! It's so good to know other black folks watch this show as much as I do.


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