The Breakup: The Eva+Tony Edition+Fabulinks

Eva and Tony at CafeMed this week

Eva Longoria and Tony P. are officially dunzo. "Oh sh*t!" were definitely the first words out of my mouth. Not because I'm a fan of the couple or anything--but just because this chick has sold a house, bought another one with this man, and even told the whole damn world on Oprah she was damn close to getting married and having kids with Mr. Parker. So basically she learned the "J-lo" lesson of keeping your mouth shut about your relationship. I hate to say I told you so....

Apparently, this split has been the case for a while now. It's just now getting leaked. Funny how they've been spotted out together all week though. Supposedly they're working on getting back together. Yeah, good luck with that. But on the real tip, anybody else think Eva's just trying to get some more publicity since her Eva-overload publicity is waning? Hmmm....

Update: Apparently this was just a little rumor someone decided to have fun with. Damn those People magazine folks. Tony P. and Eva P. are still very much a couple according to very cerdible news sources. Carry on oh fabulous ones....



  1. Janet hit up the Today Show this morning~Juicy News
  2. Monica hit up Letterman last night~Rap-Up
  3. Tyra B. has "Vag Ams"~City Rag
  4. A fab Project Runway recap~Pink is the New Blog
  5. Survivor ends its "segregation theme". Somebody gets the genius of the day award~Jossip
  6. Where is her momma?~Nah Right
  7. Why is Naomi Campbell still walking the streets?~Hip and Pop

Have a fabulous weekend!


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