Back Then They Didn't Want Me......

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Well Well Well. This time last year I was just finding out about the Black Weblog Awards. I had only been blogging for a couple months but was still kind of salty that I didn't even know about, let alone get nominated for, the these awards. But this year has definitely made up for it. Thanks to ALL of my fabulous readers, YBF has won Best Pop Culture Blog AND Blog of the Year for the 2006 Black Weblog Awards. I can't thank y'all enough for voting for me and I was extremely surprised I won. Real talk.

And I have even more fabulous news for y'all: I have been told by an editor at Essence mag that I will be featured in an article (in the November issue) concerning Black celebrity gossip bloggers/blogs. I am too excited and was hesitant to even relay the news because I don't want to jinx it. I've already completed the interview so hopefully things will go smoothly from here. Thanks to everyone for letting all your friends and fam know about YBF and putting Black Hollywood on blast in a fabulous way.

Thanks again and stay tuned for a Labor Day update!


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