Pardon The Brief Interruption

Hey kids.

Posting will be less than normal for the next week or so because I am in the process of moving. And for some reason THIS particular move is the most stressful ever. I've moved 5 times this year thanks to Katrina and school and damn if this one is not making me pull my hair out. Anyways, I'm moving from New Orleans to DC/VA this week and will be transferring to law school there either next semester or academic year. Wish me luck as I jump out on faith because this was a VERY hard decision to make. But it was something I needed to do for me and my sanity. Thanks so much for all of the prayers and support I've been getting from y'all. I do appreciate it.

By the way, the No-No "coming out" in Essence story has been labeled a definite fake buy one of my sources who is a writer at Essence. Take it or leave it.

And apparently Fox Boogie has given the gossip mill enough to talk about for days. Chick told the folks in court today hell to the yes she beat some manicurists' asses. And she got caught stealing some belts this weekend. Stop it Inga.

Stay fab!


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